Together, we face the future with the optimism of a sunflower reaching toward the sun, investing in our community to ensure that brighter days are ahead for all. Like the careful stewardship required to grow a sunflower, we must be mindful of how we manage our resources, ensuring that they are wisely invested and nurtured.

Every year the church must make a budget.  Our expenses include personnel, building maintenance, utilities, and programming costs. To ensure we have the necessary funds to cover these costs, we conduct our annual Stewardship Campaign.

During this time, we ask the congregation to make a pledge, a commitment to contribute a specific amount for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026. We use this information to guide decisions on what we can afford to do in the coming year.

Together, we can watch our efforts bloom into a legacy of growth, sustainability, and abundance.

If you are setting up your scheduled giving for the 2025-2026 year, please make sure the starting date is in July 2025.

2025 - 2026 Proposed Operating Budget

stewardship Campaign Timeline

February 23 - Stewardship Campaign Kick off and Potluck Luncheon

May 18 - Annual Meeting

April 13 - End of Campaign and Service is Our Prayer Fair

Pledges can be made by

  • Completing a paper pledge form

  • Pledging online via Realm of using the QR code

  • Contacting Haley or Chae in person, by email, or by phone.